
Term 3 Week 6 2024

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Term 3 Week 10 2024

Principal’s message

Exciting news from Meadow Flat Public School: External Validation Results and ​Our Future Plans for Improvement!

We are delighted to share with you the exceptional outcomes of our recent external validation process at ​Meadow Flat Public School. The results have affirmed the exceptional quality of education provided at our ​school, thanks to the collective efforts of our staff, students, and community.

The external validation panel report highlighted that Meadow Flat Public School excels in the key elements of ​school resources, management practices and processes, learning and development, educational leadership, ​learning culture, and student well-being.

Additionally, the panel report showed evidence that we are sustaining and growing in the elements of ​curriculum, assessment, reporting, student growth and performance, effective classroom practice, data skills ​and use, professional standards, and school planning, implementation, and reporting.

These areas of excellence play a critical role in shaping the overall quality of education and experience that ​our school offers:

  • School resources: Our well-equipped facilities and ​resources create an optimal learning environment for ​students, enabling them to engage in meaningful and ​enriching educational experiences;
  • Management practices and processes: Efficient and ​effective management practices ensure that our school ​operates smoothly and efficiently, allowing us to focus ​on our core mission of providing high-quality education;
  • Learning and development: Our commitment to ​continuous learning and professional development for ​staff and students fosters a culture of growth and ​innovation, enhancing the overall educational ​experience;
  • Educational leadership: Strong educational leadership ​guides Meadow Flat Public School towards its goals, ​inspiring and empowering both staff and students to ​strive for excellence in all aspects of their academic ​journey;
  • Learning culture: A positive and inclusive learning ​culture at Meadow Flat Public School promotes ​collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking among our ​students, nurturing their holistic development and ​academic success; and
  • Student well-being: Prioritising student well-being ​ensures that students at Meadow Flat Public School feel ​safe, supported, and valued, creating a conducive ​environment for learning and personal growth.

  • Learning culture: A positive and inclusive learning ​culture at Meadow Flat Public School promotes ​collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking among our ​students, nurturing their holistic development and ​academic success; and
  • Student well-being: Prioritising student well-being ​ensures that students at Meadow Flat Public School feel ​safe, supported, and valued, creating a conducive ​environment for learning and personal growth.

These areas of excellence collectively contribute to the ​exceptional quality of education that Meadow Flat Public ​School provides, setting a high standard for academic ​achievement and personal development. As we plan for the ​future and work towards further improvements, we are ​committed to building on these strengths and addressing ​areas for growth to continuously enhance the educational ​experience for all students at Meadow Flat Public School.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in ​our shared commitment to excellence in education.

Michael Wood | Principal


Reading fluency

Improving reading fluency: NSW Department of ​Education's approach at Meadow Flat Public School

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to read fluently is ​more important than ever. Reading fluency not only ​enhances comprehension but also helps students ​succeed across all subjects. Recognising this, Meadow Flat ​Public School, in alignment with the NSW Department of ​Education, has implemented a comprehensive strategy to ​develop students' reading fluency from a young age.

How do we achieve the reading results we achieve?

"At Meadow Flat Public School, we are committed to ​providing a supportive and engaging learning ​environment that nurtures a love of reading in our ​students. Through a combination of early literacy ​development, targeted interventions, and a strong culture ​of reading, we are able to achieve exceptional reading ​results that empower our students for lifelong success." - ​Principal Mr Michael Wood.

Early literacy development

One of the key components of Meadow Flat Public ​School's approach is the emphasis on early literacy ​development. By introducing foundational reading skills ​in the early years of schooling, students at Meadow Flat ​Public School are equipped with the building blocks ​necessary for fluent reading. This includes phonemic ​awareness, phonics instruction, vocabulary development, ​and comprehension strategies tailored to the school's ​curriculum.

Targeted support

Furthermore, Meadow Flat Public School places a strong ​focus on providing targeted support for students who ​may be struggling with reading fluency. Through ​individualised interventions, such as small group tuition ​and one-on-one tutoring, teachers at Meadow Flat Public ​School are able to identify and address specific areas of ​difficulty for each student. This personalised approach ​ensures that all students at Meadow Flat Public School ​receive the support they need to improve their reading ​fluency.


Promoting a culture of reading

In addition to targeted interventions, Meadow Flat ​Public School also promotes a culture of reading both ​inside and outside the classroom. By encouraging ​students to read widely and often, educators help ​foster a love of reading that can significantly improve ​fluency. This includes providing access to a diverse ​range of high-quality reading materials, incorporating ​independent reading time into the school day, and ​promoting literacy-rich environments throughout the ​school.

Professional development for teachers

To achieve these results, Meadow Flat Public School ​invests in continuous professional development for its ​teachers. Teachers are provided with the latest ​research-based reading instruction strategies and are ​trained to use data-driven approaches to monitor and ​support student progress. This ensures that our ​teachers are well-equipped to deliver high-quality ​reading instruction and interventions.

Parental involvement

Meadow Flat Public School also recognises the crucial ​role of parental involvement in developing reading ​fluency. The school encourages parents to engage in ​their children's reading activities.

Through these various initiatives, Meadow Flat Public ​School, in collaboration with the NSW Department of ​Education, is working diligently to enhance students' ​reading fluency and ultimately set them up for success ​in school and beyond.

With a continued commitment to improving reading ​fluency, Meadow Flat Public School, in partnership with ​the NSW Department of Education, is dedicated to ​fostering a community of strong, skilled readers who ​are prepared to thrive in the 21st century.

95% is our attendance goal for all students

This Friday, 25 students will receive invitations to ​the Principal's Party for showing improvement in ​their attendance rate for the year 2024 compared ​to the end of Term 2, 2024. The invitations will be ​sent home with the students on Thursday ​afternoon.

Congratulations to these students for their ​impressive achievement!


Bilby class


Term 1

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Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 4

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Term 4

2nd half

Platypus class


Term 1

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Term 1

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Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 2

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Term 3

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Term 4

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Term 4

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2024 whole school

student attendance

progress report

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Online messaging and chat

Texting and messaging are popular ways for young ​people to communicate. Find out how to keep ​children safe.

Creating a safe gaming environment

Parents and carers can do a lot to help keep young ​gamers safe online.

Selfies and your child

Young people's love of posting photos of ​themselves and their lives is deeper than you think. ​Selfies can play an important role in developing a ​young person's self-confidence and identity.

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Click these links to find out more on ways ​to keep you and your children safe ​online.

Managing screen time

Self awareness and high-quality content ​are key.

Using social media safely

Guide young people so they can reap the ​benefits of their socials.

Managing cyberbullying

Students, parents, and teachers can use ​our resources to navigate negative online ​behaviours.

Posting about your child online

A healthy attitude to social media isn't ​just for children, it's for all of us. You can ​model and communicate the positive ​online behaviours you want to see in ​your children. Here's how.

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Creating and sharing videos

Making and sharing videos is easy. There is a vast ​array of apps to make professional-looking short ​films. Help your child learn the ropes and watch ​YouTube with them for great discussion ​opportunities.

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School sport

athletics stadium

We are thrilled to congratulate our ​incredible relay team for their outstanding ​performance at the Western School Sports ​Athletics Championships in Dubbo!

Our talented athletes showcased their ​speed, teamwork, and determination as ​they competed against top schools in the ​region.

Although they didn't compete in the final, ​their heat was tightly contested, ​demonstrating their skill and competitive ​spirit. Their hard work and dedication have ​truly paid off, and we are so proud of their ​achievements.

Well done to each member of the relay ​team for representing our school with ​excellence and sportsmanship. Go team!

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Today the students are taking home a NSW ​Health sponsored “Keep the Mozzies Away” ​awareness pack.

Brown Mosquito Insect
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Bilby class

For PDHPE in Bilby Class this term we have been doing a variety of activities. We have completed some dances on wet days and the ​potato olympics event.

We have primarily been practicing our overarm throwing skills and hitting balls with bats with the goal of applying these skills to ​playing cricket and baseball.

To ensure we are performing our movement skills to the best of our ability and to prevent injury, please ensure children are wearing ​athletic style shoes such as joggers or runners every Wednesday. They also need a hat as it is getting warmer.

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Platypus class

In PDHPE this term we have been learning about ​safety including child protection unit “No, Go, ​Tell” and our 5 safe people strategies.

We have been focussed on improving our ​fundamental movement skills in PE with ​skipping, side gallop and jumping. We also ​completed a Cosmic Kids Yoga session each ​Wednesday afternoon to relax, stretch and be ​calm for the afternoon session.

To ensure we are performing our movement skills to the best of ​our ability and to prevent injury, please ensure children are ​wearing athletic style shoes such as joggers or runners every ​Wednesday. They also need a hat as it is getting warmer.

Thank you to our parents, extended families, students, and ex-students who were ​available to support our P and C at the Rydal daffodil weekend.

Yellow Daffodil. Vector Illustration on a White Background.
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Daffodils Floral Border